Episode 40
The American Church
September 7th, 2020
1 hr 24 mins 53 secs
About this Episode
Dustin Bass is a writer, podcaster, and historian (among other things). He joins me for a meaninful conversation on the state of today's American church. Orginally, I brought Dustin on to discuss the importance of historical literacy. While we do touch on that subject in great detail, the converstaion is much deeper than that alone. We talk about
- Journalistic integrity
- The greatest threat facing the American church
- The persecution of the church
- The significance of historical and biblical literacy
This is probably the longest conversation I've had on the show and it's because we dive deep into many topics as it relates to our church in America. I hope you enjoy the conversation.
- Check out Dustin's ealier episode Embrace Truth episode number 16.
- Check out his podcast The Sons of History
- Youtube Channel Thinking It Through